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The Role of Preventive Veterinary Care for Rescued Dogs

We don’t always know the history of dogs that are rescued, which means they could be carrying or susceptible to many serious ailments. Preventive veterinary care is vital to keeping your rescued dogs healthy, so we can detect health issues early, which can lead to proactive treatment, which can lead to more successful results. Preventive veterinary care is a great way to help maintain the dogs’ health now that they are in your care.

What Is Preventive Veterinary Care


Preventive veterinary care involves many methods that include the assessment of your dog’s disease risk and general health to help ward off life-threatening ailments. Our veterinarians can create a list of recommendations for your pet’s dental care, diet and vaccinations. Parasite prevention also plays a key role in your dog’s health and wellbeing and will be custom-fit to your pet’s needs. It’s best to bring your rescued dogs in for a wellness exam as soon as possible to tests for parasites and update vaccines as diseases can worsen if the symptoms remain undetected.

Update Vaccinations


Updating your rescued dogs’ vaccinations is a crucial part of their well-being. Dog need protection from deadly diseases such as parvo and rabies. Vaccinating them against these illnesses can keep you, your family and your other pets safe. Vaccines against illnesses like kennel cough, leptospirosis, and rabies can reduce the dogs’ risk of contracting these diseases.

Protect from External Parasites


Dealing with external parasites can be stressful for you and your rescue dog. Parasites can cause minor conditions, like skin irritation, or more serious conditions such as Lyme disease. External parasites can attach to your dog’s skin if you go out for walks or hikes without any protection. We can recommend oral or topical medications to keep ticks and fleas off your rescued dogs.

Prevent Heartworm Disease and Internal Parasites


We understand that your dog might have been rescued already infected with heartworms. Heartworm disease can be deadly and the treatment can be expensive and painful for your dog.  But once your dog has gone through heartworm treatment, preventives are an affordable way to keep this parasite from infecting your rescue dog. These oral, topical or injecable medications can also prevent other internal parasites like roundworms and hookworms. Most dogs should be on year-round protection.

Pointers for Performing Preventive Vet Care


Working with our team can lead to the success of your dog’s preventive care practices. Here are some other pointers to keep in mind:

  • Keep your dogs’ weight at healthy levels.

  • Discuss any behavioral issues. These changes can be symptoms of underlying diseases.

  • Have them tested for diseases each year.

  • Clean your dog’s teeth every day. Studies show that oral health affects general health.

  • Use oral or topical parasite preventives all year round.

  • Neuter or spay your rescue dogs. Doing so can help prevent serious ailments and behavioral issues.

Regular preventive vet care can keep your rescue dogs healthy and strong. At the Animal Care Center of Aurora, we help pet parents provide high-quality vet care products and services. You can visit our center in Aurora, Colorado, for a one-on-one consultation. Please call 303-693-6640 to set up an appointment or ask about our preventive vet care packages.

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