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Understanding the Basics of Recommend Core Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations are essential for maintaining your pet’s health which is why your dog or cat depends on you to know the shots they need and when they need them. 

Sometimes, knowing which vaccinations are necessary can seem confusing. Talking about your pet’s lifestyle with one of our veterinarians at the Animal Care Center of Aurora can provide you with the information necessary to make informed decisions best for your pet. Here are some basic explanations, from a trusted resource:



It is a highly contagious bacterial infection that usually causes kennel cough or vomiting in most cases.

This vaccine can be administered as an injection, inhaled through the nose, or swallowed orally. Ensure that your puppy gets at least one dose with their puppy vaccines. At-risk adult dogs need at least boosters every six to 12 months.


Canine Distemper

Canine Distemper is an incurable and contagious disease that attacks the gastrointestinal, respiratory and nervous systems. Distemper is highly contagious because it is airborne. It spreads through coughs and sneezes from an infected animal. It can also spread through shared water and food bowls. Canine distemper causes fever, vomiting, coughing, diarrhea, seizures, paralysis and sometimes death.

Ensure your puppy gets at least three vaccines between six and 16 weeks old. Adult dogs that have never had the vaccine need two doses, in intervals of three to four weeks apart. Once fully vaccinated, adult dogs should receive boosters every three years to be considered up-to-date.


Feline Distemper

Like Canine Distemper, Feline Distemper, or panleukopenia, is also highly contagious and exhibits similar symptoms, including death in kittens. However, the virus that causes it is distinct and is not contagious from dogs to cats.

Ensure your kitten gets their first vaccine around six weeks old, then every three or four weeks until they are four to five months old. Adult cats getting the vaccine for the first time should get two doses, three to four weeks apart. Once fully vaccinated, adult cats should receive a booster every three years.




Feline Herpesvirus

Feline Herpesvirus is contagious via airborne infected bodily fluids and causes upper respiratory complications. The booster for this infection is often combined with Feline Distemper vaccines.

Ensure your kitten gets their first vaccine around six weeks old, then every three or four weeks until they are four to five months old. Adult cats getting the vaccine for the first time should get two doses, three to four weeks apart. Once fully vaccinated, adult cats should receive a booster every three years.



Rabies is a core vaccine for almost pets all cats and dogs, and is required by most cities. The disease is 100 percent fatal and there is no available treatment, so ensure your pets stay up to date with their vaccines.

Your puppy will need a rabies vaccine as early as three months old. Adult dogs will also need a booster dose within the next 12 months and then once every year or three years, depending on the vaccine they receive.

Kittens need a single dose of the vaccine at eight weeks. Adult cats will also need a booster dose within the next 12 months and then once every year or three years, depending on the vaccine they receive.

For more information on pet vaccines, visit the or call (303) 693-6640 to book an appointment today!

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